Welcome, spiritual seeker!

To learn more about my online class, go here.

I began my own spiritual journey in a serious way back at the end of 2008. I was spiritual and open long before that, but I really began to feel CALLED to do spiritual healing work so suddenly and deeply- I couldn’t ignore it!

The next few years were spent really deeply delving into so many rabbit holes of information, from law of attraction, past lives and crystals to the chakras and energy healing. Eventually I began teaching my clients what I knew, and then ultimately created little workshops here and there to share what I knew with others.

Three years ago I put my most common classes together for this 6 week online course because I wanted to make learning about these topics easy and accessible. I’m happy to help you to remember what you know deeply down within you!

This class will give you a great start in understanding some of the foundational things you want to know as you begin your spiritual healing journey (whether you are guided to do this professionally or on the side is up to you— either way, it’s helpful info just to have as an awakened soul on this planet at this time!)

Not only will we discuss being an empath, ways to protect your energy, introduction to the chakras and crystals, coming out of the spiritual closet, and psychic development— but we will also be building a safe community where you can feel free to be your true, authentic self. Where others won’t roll their eyes or be impatient with you, doubting you and making you feel wrong or crazy!

Having the support of other likeminded folks along this journey is incredibly special and valuable.

Next Offering of this 6 week online class begins October 4, 2022 @ 7:30pm EST